

出品  云南金彩视界影业股份有限公司                                                                                         

Produced by Yunnan Lucent Pictures Ltd


纪录电影                                                                                                                                114分钟/Prores 422 HQ 2k/杜比5.1/彩色

A documentary film                                                                                                                 114min / Prores 422 HQ 2k / Dolby5.1 / colour  

语言:普通话/云南方言                                                                                                             字幕:中文&英文

Language: Mandarin/Yunnan Dialect                                                                                          Subtitles: Chinese & English

  •       在中国云南西南部一个人迹罕至,风景秀美的山村,居住着 800多个怒族人,他们沿着狭窄曲折的山间小道步行2小时到达农田劳作,再步行2小时回家,日复一日、年复一年。精准扶贫小组来到村里,一场围绕修路展开的乡村运动开始了,这条路将把他们与外界连接起来,使他们更接近现代生活。电影制作者们与村民们一起生活了四年,拍摄了这场运动给村子带来的变化。

          In an inaccessible mountain village in Yunnan of southwest China, surrounded by a beautiful wild landscape, live 800 Nu people, who walk for 2 hours down the narrow and zigzagged mountain steps path to their farmland, and walk for another 2 hours back home after their farm-work day by day and year by year. A village campaign to build a road started when the group of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation came to the village. The road would connect them to the outside world and bring them closer to modern life. The filmmakers lived with the villagers for four years and filmed the changes that the campaign brought to the village.



柴红芳   导演

Chai Hongfang   Director


Documentary director in mainland China, born in1968. From 2010-2015, she directed her first documentary MANUFACTURINBG ROMANCE, won the Feature Documentary Film Award in the 39th Hong Kong International Film Festival and the Feature Film award in the 5th Beijing International Film Festival. She has been devoted to the recording of Chinese stories, focusing on ordinary people in this new era in China.

赵捷    艺术指导

Zhao Jie 

Art direction

Chairman of documentary film Committee of China Federation of radio and television social organizations.

周新霞   剪辑指导

Zhou Xinxia  

Director of Editing


President of China Cinema Editors Associ-ation, professor of the Director School of Beijing Film Academy. She edited dozens of films and hundreds of episodes of TV series. 

王丹戎    声音指导

Wang Danrong

Sound Advisor


A film recording engineer in Mainland China.In 2019 the movie THE WANDERING EARTH which he worked on as sound advisor, won the Best Recording Award in the 32nd China Film Golden Rooster Awards. 

安同庆   摄影师

An Tongqing



He has been engaged in documentary photography for many years, served as the chief photographer of the documentary ROOF OF THE WORLD. 

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